Friday, July 8, 2011

Balsamic Forest Fruit with Vanilla Cream

Ingredients: (4p)
  • 150g of strawberries
  • 150g of rasberries
  • 150g of blueberries
  • 150g of blackberries
  • 6 tbsp of LunaOlivo Portofino ar Siena balsamic vinegar
  • 300g of sourcream
  • 4 tbsp of vanilla sugar
  • 2 tbsp of canesugar
  • few fresh mint leaves

Wash all the berries, cut the green crowns from the strawberries, let the water drain in a sieve. Toss the berries in a big bowl and add the balsamic vinegar. The better quality your vinegar is, the better your dessert will taste. Add 1 tablespoon of vanillasugar and 2 tablespoons of cane sugar. Put the bowl in the fridge and let the fruit marinate for at least one hour before serving. In the mean time put the sour cream in a bowl and whip it with a fork untill it is nice and smooth, no clumps, and add the remaining two tablespoons of vanilla sugar. When the fruit is marinated serve it in a little bowl with a dollop of the sourcream on top and a few fresh mint leaves to garnish.


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